Cathy K Web and Design
cathyk web and design


A milestone

This website has been ‘under construction’ for about two years. Crazy, I know.

I’ve felt tremendous pressure while building my own website as a website designer. A web designer’s website should be scrutinized. I would think a sloppy website is a red flag for any prospective client, so I’ve been very busy trying to make my little company appear all respectable and trustworthy. I spent a long time building websites while working for a company that had already earned respectability and trustworthiness, and now I hope to capture at least a bit of that on my own.

There will be many additions and refinements to this website but I think/hope that most of it is ready for prime time in this present form. It’s good to be cautious and careful, but at some point it begins to look like paralysis. So today was the last day to launch with some dignity intact — tomorrow I might have started to look pathetic. 🙂



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